Talk to us Today

Talk to us Today


We have offices in Horsham, Bristol and Gloucester and work with clients nationwide.


Following initial phone discussions and a free first meeting, Interco provides a written, costed proposal for discussion and mutual agreement. According to the shape of the assignment, fees may be proposed on a time worked basis, or as a fixed project price or a monthly retainer

Phone or Email

Call 0345 017 9773 to discuss and talk through your present situation, your future plans and discuss ways in which we might be able to assist you. Alternatively email us using the reply form below with your questions and / or to arrange a call back at a time that suits you. Calls are in confidence, free of charge and with no implied obligations.

Interco Managment Consultants Virtual meeting

Go Virtual!

Initial Meetings by Whats App. or Zoom. Regular Support by Zoom or Teams

Talk to Interco Expert Business Management

Consultancy Support

Want help agreeing contract terms…and managing the implementation of a key assignment or project?


We have offices in Horsham, Bristol and Gloucester and work with clients nationwide.


Following initial phone discussions and a free first meeting, Interco provides a written, costed proposal for discussion and mutual agreement. According to the shape of the assignment, fees may be proposed on a time worked basis, or as a fixed project price or a monthly retainer.

Phone or Email

Call 0345 017 9773 to discuss and talk through your present situation, your future plans and discuss ways in which we might be able to assist you. Alternatively email us using the reply form below with your questions and / or to arrange a call back at a time that suits you. Calls are in confidence, free of charge and with no implied obligations.

Contact Interco

Go Virtual

Initial Meetings by Whats App. or Zoom. Regular Support by Zoom or Teams

Consultancy Support

Want help agreeing contract terms…and managing the implementation of a key assignment or project?

Ring for initial free discussion

You can then talk through your present situation, needs, priorities, dilemmas
and future plans in confidence, free of charge and with no implied obligation.
If it seems mutually desirable, we can then fix an initial face to face meeting.

Michael O’Connor MABRP : Managing Consultant

Interco Management Limited : Horsham – Bristol – Gloucester

 0345 017 9773

Michael OConnor Managing Consultant Insolvency Solutions

Ring for initial free discussion

You can then talk through your present situation, needs, priorities, dilemmas and future plans in confidence, free of charge and with no implied obligation. If it seems mutually desirable, we can then fix an initial face to face meeting.

Michael OConnor Managing Consultant Insolvency Solutions

Michael O’Connor MABRP : Managing Consultant

Interco Management Limited

Horsham – Bristol – Gloucester

 0345 017 9773